More pastry

Everybody else wanted to make ice cream, but our group chose to try bavarian cream instead, simply because there was more technique involved, which is what we’re there to learn. This created a bit of a logistical problem because the next task was to form new groups based on flavor choice and make pastry cream, a creme anglaise with starch for body. So while most of the class had their creme anglaise in the ice cream machine, our creme-anglaise group would need to find time to make the bavarian cream. My new group made chocolate pastry cream, which came together very well. As soon as it was cooked, we tasted it (good chocolate flavor), then I and another man from the previous group got together and started the bavarian cream– a creme anglaise with gelatin and whipped cream folded in. It would have been fantastic with a bit of brandy in it, but it was too late for that: the time to add alcoholic flavorings is when the creme anglaise is cooking. Our bavarian cooked up well and went into the cooler. We’ll see how it tastes tomorrow

Last item of the night was an equipment-identification test.