White stock and first service

After the first stock was off the bones, I started a remouillage with new mirepoix and sachet. I let it simmer for about 6 hours while I reduced the first stock by about half and then cooled it for temporary storage– I wanted to see how the second stock would come out before deciding what to do with the first. Since the second stock came out well, I decided to use it as stock, so I reduced it until I had two ice-cube trays worth, about a pint and a half, made jelled cubes, vacuum packed them and put them in the freezer. The first stock I then turned into a consommé using turkey as the clearmeat. It was a good consommé, worthy being served. Except that I wanted glace de voulaille to complement the pork glace de viande I made last week, so I reduced the consommé to that point. And oh my gosh was it good, just like the glace de viande. It will also be cubed and frozen for individual use.

Meanwhile, we had our first service in the kitchen yesterday, a trial service for staff and students. Although I was a baker, not directly plating for customers, it was still evident that when you’re working you tend to focus on your job, on the tasks in front of you, instead of worrying about abstract things like being nervous cooking for others. Between yesterday’s prep and today’s, I made brown butter creme fraiche, coffee pastry cream, oatmeal cake, and muffins, and I was pleased that I got it all done on time for the start of service. It was interesting watching how the kitchen came together to run as a team, like an orchestra or band, albeit somewhat clumsily because we’re new. Today’s service is open to the public, and I’ll be on a new station.