Fresh-tomato sauce

Yesterday friends gave us some big, fresh tomatoes from their garden. Our own tomatoes are late this year, good-sized but still ripening for the most part. Tonight we were a bit short of time to make dinner, so I cut four or five tomatoes of three different types into 8-10 wedges each and tossed them skins and all into a sautépan on med-high heat. When they were about half cooked, I removed half of them so that they would retain some of their structure, and cooked the rest down until thickened, then added the reserved tomatoes back in for the final few minutes. No spicing except good olive oil, fresh basil, salt, and pepper. Served on pasta with an Israeli Feta made from a blend of sheep’s and goat’s milk, and green beans from our CSA share on the side. Extraordinarily fresh, light flavors. Edith usually avoids hot tomatoes, but she had seconds. Utterly delicious; a true joy of the season.