Blue marlin

Picked up a nice piece of never-frozen blue marlin for dinner tonight, and it came out especially well. Grilled it to a what would have been rare on a steak by touch. Served with a lime buerre blanc over spicy greens, grilled summer squash wedges, and sweet tiny carrots from our CSA share, and Rustica focaccia. My idea was that the greens should be eaten with the marlin, rather than as a separate salad, and it worked very well. Delicious!

That’s the second dish this week I’d have been happy to get in a restaurant. I don’t think I normally do two like that in a month. But just to show that not everything works, I tried the fresh-tomato pasta again a couple of days ago, but jazzed it up a bit: garlic and wine in the sauce, with rye pasta. It wasn’t as good.